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Lynette Livingstone
Nov 22, 2024
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Having searched numerous sites for a cover to fit my car dimensions, as per the brochure, and being frustrated at every turn, I eventually emailed Car Covers and asked them if theirs would fit. They responded quickly, and assured me it would. It does. perfectly. I have not experienced any high winds as yet, but the cover is of a substantial quality, and has 2 good straps for underneath, the elasticated fit for round the bottom is of good tight stretch. The parcel was delivered within 2 days, as advised. I would recommend this cover for a similar car, and the company for good service, which I would hope would continue, if the need arose.

Advantages: It fits my car, it's not flimsy, and does what I need it to do.

Disadvantages: None so far.
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