Home > HONDA > HONDA PRELUDE CAR COVER 1997-2001 > Customer feedback


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Sep 30, 2023
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Seems to be quite a good cover but not a perfect fit.

Advantages: Seems pretty strong.

Disadvantages: It will not fit over the bonnet of our 1997 Prelude with the wing mirrors in the pockets. We have to fold the mirrors in to be able to cover the car properly. The pockets for the wing mirrors need to be further forward.
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Joeli Qioniwasa
Dec 20, 2022
This customer purchased the item at our site.
I have always used light waterproof car covers. This latest one is probably the best so far.

Advantages: very light, very strong, waterproof, and made to fit the car model I have. My previous covers were made for any saloon car - how times have changed...lol

Disadvantages: Haven't come across any disadvantages yet, apart from the fact that I had a tug-of-war with the wind last night when I was trying to cover the car.
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