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Mr Nielsen
Mar 23, 2021
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Your car cover was excellent and has been passed on to the car's new owner.
Advantages: Fits well and last well too
Disadvantages: Nothing

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Nigel Bonnick
Apr 27, 2021
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Excellent product covers my jaguar sovereign lwb very with well. Comes with straps sawn on so you can clip together under the car so you can leave it on all year round without any issues. The cover has kept my car well protected.
Advantages: The cover can be used in or out doors. It's easy to work with on your own. Comes with a bag which you can use to put the cover back in when not in use. Also washes well in the washing machine.
Disadvantages: I have had no issues or have found any disadvantages.

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