Nicholas Vanezis
Mar 22, 2018
This customer purchased the item at our site.
The car cover was good until the wind blew it off. I then fastened one of the straps under the car which helped but came home and found a strong wind had again blown the cover off lifting it up as the air gets under the cover. There was one other under the car belt which I cant recall if I ever got round to fixing because of the hassle factor. By then I had the leaking into the car fixed and have stored the cover. Find it a little fussy having to secure the two belts to stop it being swept off by a strong wind.
Sorry to hear that you were not happy with the cover. The straps are there to keep the cover in place and ensure that it will not blow off in the wind. Without the straps the cover can move about and come loose which is why we have 2 as standard unlike cheaper covers with only 1 strap in the middle. We also have a central eyelet on both sides so you can use our locking kit or an additional fixing if you live in a windy area. Fitting the straps will take a moment or two but will always ensure the cover stays in place and the car will be protected from the weather. If we can help you with anything else please feel free to contact us on 0800 8886287.

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