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Janet Price
Feb 4, 2022
This customer purchased the item at our site.
It made me laugh. I think it was laughter anyway.
Advantages: Good fit once it’s on.
Disadvantages: Not a one person job. I’m sure I caused a huge amount of laughter in my road. The neighbours have commented a lot. I couldn’t get the cover to stay on while I was dragging to across. I put the back on over the bumper area - which isn’t very well defined on a fiat 500 - dragged it forward. It fell off. Ditto front to back. Ditto corner to corner - twice. In the end after 4 attempts and a lot of shouting at the car I gave up and dragged a passer by in to help.
He had been sitting in his car watching - and I guess - laughing.
Now it’s off I won’t try to put it back on until late at night when I won’t have an audience.

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Louise Hilton
Sep 25, 2022
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Ordered the cover for my Fiat 500.
It was dispatched quickly and having used it only twice so far it appears to be a good purchase.

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