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Simon Draper
Mar 10, 2021
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Overall very pleased. But inner skin deteriorates badly after 2.5 yrs usage outside,leaving chalky deposit all over my bentley.
Hi there. The cover had a 2 year warranty on it as standard. On a fine day remove the cover and turn inside out. Hang over washing line if you can and let the wind clean the inside of the cover. A good shake will also help and should cure that straight away

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Ricky Smart
Jul 17, 2018
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Bentley car cover.
Every so often one is not only surprised by the nature of a find but by everything it delivers. This company, it's products, it's quality and craftsmanship is one of those moments. My fathers Bentley is his absolute joy. To find a cover, for a specific model of a specific generation was difficult but to find one with all the edge of the 21st century was amazing. You should have seen my fathers face when the car was wrapped lovingly in your work. It was immeasurable.
Thank you so much for being there.

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