4 results found
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Ian Corner
May 13, 2021
This customer purchased the item at our site.
I am very happy with the cover, it is slightly larger that the last cover, hence not so tight fitting which is a good thing.
This means its easier to put on and off without a struggle.
The tie downs are very useful, previous cover only had an elasticated bottom edge and in high wind would pop off.
Advantages: Its nice an thick as stated in your advert and meets all my requirements.
Disadvantages: none

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sarah cousins
Dec 14, 2021
This customer purchased the item at our site.
great quality, sold my very expensive old beetle car cover with the last beetle I owned, this one is of the same quality for a lot less, thank you.

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Amanda Carter
Dec 14, 2021
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Miracle covers for my old Beetle
Advantages: Keeps it dry

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Keith Watson
Feb 17, 2025
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Good quality cover. Easy to fit. Car will be stored in garage but occasionally parked outside so needed showerproof just in case of rain whilst it is outdoors.
Advantages: Lightweight easy to fit.
Disadvantages: None found as yet!

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